12. Interview with Paul B. Watson (Downtown Vineyard Church)

I look up to Paul Watson as a friend as well as a leader. He’s the kind of guy that makes other men say, “I want to be like him when I grow up.” He’s great at inspiring others to find their strengths and achieve their personal goals. Paul founded the Downtown Vineyard Church and continues serving as the lead pastor. Paul Watson is also an entrepreneur, a skilled speaker, a life coach, and an author. He’s incredibly skilled at

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27. What Happens When You Become Successful?

I know what it’s like to have bank accounts overflowing. I’ve also experienced having absolutely nothing. I’ve had bank managers rush out of their offices to greet me by name. I’ve also endured the embarrassment of not having enough to cover overdraft fees I incurred while paying medical bills. I often hear people say, “money doesn’t make you happy,” but I can tell you from personal experience that money gives you options. Money frees you from much of the stress

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14. Interview with Eric Payne (Venture Advocates)

Eric is a Managing Partner at Venture Advocates. He is one of the leading experts in mergers and acquisitions. Mr. Payne started, grew, and eventually sold Nationwide Valuations, one of the nation’s largest business valuation companies. Eric Payne is a skilled franchise consultant and has many years of experience with startup and exit planning. Besides being extremely skilled in mergers and acquisitions, Eric Payne is also a father, a husband, a closet musician, and a personal friend. He’s one of

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6. Interview with Jeff “Biggs” Wobig (US Navy SEAL sniper, SEAL Team 5, SEAL Team 7)

Jeff Wobig is a former US Navy SEAL sniper and member of the elite Navy SEAL Team 5, as well as Navy SEAL Team 7. Jeff is a skilled leader and an accomplished entrepreneur. Jeff “Biggs” Wobig is also the co-founder and director of Global Accuracy/CTS Solutions. The company has offered tactical advising and security consulting to the United States Government on highly classified projects. Global Accuracy/CTS Solutions has expanded its services to the private sector due to the high

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20. Stop Wasting Your Life

Many of you know I was given only months to live after being diagnosed with a malignant glioblastoma (brain tumor) in 2010. Doctors at Swedish Medical Center in Denver, Colorado, told my parents to “make the best of what little time we had left together.” Never Stop Chasing Your Dreams My mom knew that I’m an entrepreneur at heart. I absolutely live for the pursuit of success. At the time of my diagnosis, the doctors gave me 90 days to

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18. You Teach People How To Treat You

Does this sound like you? Your job stinks. You’re the butt of all jokes. You’re disrespected continuously by your friends and significant other. It doesn’t always have to be that way. Learn to teach people how to treat you! When I was a young man, my mom taught me this valuable lesson. “You Teach People How To Treat You” The Associate Editor at Psych Central, Margarita Tartakovsky, M.S. says, “People learn how to treat you based on what you accept

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23. Does Using Profanity Make You Seem More Successful?

It’s challenging to have an unbiased opinion on this topic. My goal isn’t to convince you, but instead, share both arguments and let you decide. Is Swearing a Sign of Intelligence? If a hundred public speakers give a similar speech, but one guy is yelling profanity, you may be offended, but you’ll remember the guy who’s swearing. I’ve seen studies quoted that say cussing is a sign of intelligence. Although I don’t relate to his use of profanity, Gary Vaynerchuk

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1. Introduction

By the time I was 27 years old, I already owned companies in various industries, including medical, fashion, manufacturing, distribution, and pharmaceuticals. I had become successful at a young age, and life was great! Everything changed when I started having daily grand mal seizures. In 2010, I was diagnosed with brain cancer. Oncologists gave me only 60-90 days to live. I lost absolutely everything as I became unable to drive, live alone, or remember small details such as if I’d

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25. Interview with Jeff McGregor (Business Developer, Musician)

Jeff McGregor has achieved success in many areas of his life. After being an insurance agent for six years, he launched an agency in 1989. Jeff and his wife Jan also built or purchased multiple companies over the years. Jeff McGregor is an expert in business development and also a certified financial advisor. As a spiritual leader, Jeff served as an elder at his church and has a passion for sharing the Gospel. Jeff is an accomplished drummer who has

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9. Interview with Connie Wyatt (CMO of Best Cellular)

Connie Wyatt is one of the most motivated, dedicated, and loyal people I’ve ever met. She serves as the Chief Marketing Officer of Best Cellular. I’m blessed that Connie Wyatt is my mom! I mentioned earlier in the book that I owe much of my success to her. When I was a kid, we had almost nothing. Yet, she helped my little brother and me pick out a nice suit and tie from the local thrift store as she worked

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16. Interview with Caujuan Mayo (Owner of Uprock Publications)

Caujuan Mayo is Owner, Author, and Publisher at Uprock Publications with over 13 books, an audiobook, multiple authors signed. He is the top earner at an MLM tech company. Caujuan Mayo also runs a social media growth company. In 2014 he created Binary Trade Signal [BTS], a successful Binary Options Signal service. He is currently building his brand online and on YouTube. Although Caujuan Mayo spent time in prison, it’s inspiring to see the influence he has created since he

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Worksheet – How To Be Successful

Visit https://SuccessMotivationInspiration.com/worksheet to download the Success, Motivation & Inspiration worksheet for use with this book as you listen or read this again. I recommend printing this worksheet in portrait format on 8.5″ x 11″ letter size paper, in portrait orientation. Instructions You can use this sheet for business or personal goals. In fact, you may want to print out multiple copies and use one for each category, or several for other goal categories. An alternative is to use one sheet for

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Copyright Page

HOW TO BE SUCCESSFUL: Think Like A Leader! By M. Curtis McCoy If you purchase this book without a cover, please be aware that this book may be stolen property that was reported as “unsold and destroyed” to the publisher. In such case, neither the author nor the publisher has received any payment for this “stripped book”. Copyright © 2020 by M. Curtis McCoy.All rights reserved. This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in

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“Curtis, because of your lifelong physical challenges, I’ve watched you work harder than any human being I know, just trying to be”normal”, let alone the best contender. I am so proud to see how far you have come and am truly joyful at seeing how far above “average” you have achieved in your life! I may be your mother – but you are my hero.” – Connie Wyatt “Curtis McCoy combines inspiration with down to earth leadership skills to achieve

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I’ve always enjoyed motivational talks, pumped up workout music, and inspirational books. Each day, I commit to doing something to improve. In 2015 I launched “Success, Motivation & Inspiration” as a blog to motivate and inspire others to achieve more in their lives. Around the same time, I began connecting with aspiring entrepreneurs and seasoned experts. I was looking for others who wanted to increase their business and expand their market presence. I used the blog to jot down thoughts

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Below is a list of organizations, associations, products, and other resources that will be invaluable to our readers. The “Success, Motivation & Inspiration” book is available in a variety of formats! Visit https://SuccessMotivationInspiration.com/shop/ for great books covering topics related to success, motivation & inspiration! Join us online! Facebook Twitter Google-plus Instagram

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19. Don’t Let Talent Be Your Handicap

Have you ever felt envious of someone who seems to be good at everything? While discussing finances with a friend, I asked, “How are you always broke?” I know he makes good money, but he often complains about trying to make ends meet. His response opened up a discussion that made both of us reflect on our choices in life. Why Does Life Seem Easy For Some People? My friend has always been “a natural.” He’s one of those guys

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5. Don’t Take Ownership Of Misfortune

Although an endocrinologist diagnosed me with Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes at 27 months old, my mom had the foresight to make sure I didn’t let it define me. She urged me not to say things like, “my diabetes is making me feel bad.” She gave me the same advice in 2011 when I was diagnosed with a malignant glioblastoma brain tumor. Saying things like, “my cancer,” “my brain tumor,” or “my cancer treatment” means you’re taking ownership of the hardship

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2. What Is Your Excuse?

A few years ago, I met a guy driving a custom twin-turbo Ferrari. I decided to introduce myself and ask how he became so successful. Surprisingly, he told me a story that’s stuck with me for years. He shared that his wife left him after they lost their home. Bankrupt and living on the street, he decided that he had to do something with his life during his first night sleeping in the park. He started visiting construction sites, trying

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3. Don’t Miss Your “Orange Creamsicle”

The other day I drove past a homeless guy sitting in the shade to escape the heat of the day. As I passed, he aggressively flipped me off with pain in his eyes and yelled, “Rich f***n’ prick!” because he saw me driving a Jaguar. I hadn’t done anything to make him hate me except drive by in a nice car. He likely thinks that successful people were born with a silver spoon in their mouth. Did he hate me

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24. Improve Your Attitude

Improve your attitude, and you can determine your success. Behavior reflects thought patterns. Learn to control your mind, and you can set your actions on the course you desire. This chapter includes a few ways to improve your attitude to accomplish your goals. Be Thankful Here are just a few ideas on how to develop a thankful mindset: Create A Gratitude Journal: Sit down and write out some things you can be thankful for, including the most obvious ones. Include

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4. Interview with M. Curtis McCoy

I’m an author, business owner, and keynote speaker. I write books that help readers in communication, leadership, and personal branding. In this book, I share conversations with other leaders and entrepreneurs about success and personal growth. Below are my answers to the questions I asked them. What is your definition of success? I often think of the quote from Earl Nightingale, “Success is the progressive realization of a worthwhile dream.” Although I’ve experienced many difficulties after surviving brain cancer, I’ve

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17. Take Pride In Your Appearance

Dress for the position you wish you had, not the job you have now. When you dress well, it tells others you have your act together. You exude confidence. People pick up on this. In return, they give you respect. Trust goes hand in hand with respect. When you dress a step above those around you, you’ll notice people often mistake you for being in charge, even if you aren’t. Sharp-dressed people often receive preferential treatment. When waiting in line,

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26. Develop Winning Habits

Whether you realize it or not, you have created habits that shape the way you live today. If you created a practice of tithing and saving a percentage of your earnings before spending money on expenses, chances are you have savings ready to invest. If you’re in the habit of going to the gym each morning and controlling your portion sizes, you’re probably in great shape! Develop The Habit Of Self-Discipline What if you aren’t practicing good habits right now?

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7. Practice Delayed Gratification

Practicing delayed gratification means resisting the temptation of immediate rewards. In exchange, you increase the possibility of a greater reward in the future. Most people are terrible at practicing delayed gratification. We live in a society that allows us to have what we want when we want it, even if we don’t deserve it. For many of us, self-discipline, restraint, and self-control are difficult skills to attain. For evidence, look at how many Americans are overweight. Currently, over 70% of

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8. Reward Yourself

Many Americans live lavishly but finance their lifestyles with credit cards or high-interest rate loans. In this chapter, I’d like to connect with those of you on the other end of the spectrum, who deprive yourself to the point of making life almost unbearable. If you ignore the need to reward yourself, you will regret it later on! I’m writing this from personal experience. I’ve always been working harder than necessary but never feeling like it was enough to deserve

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11. Make Others Feel Appreciated

I frequently visit a local coffee shop after sunrise mountain biking. Often, I see many of the same people enjoying a coffee, cold drink, or a fruit smoothie. The atmosphere is typically very inviting, and the staff are friendly and always seem happy to see you. I could get a cup of coffee anywhere, but this place has become one of my favorites. It just feels good to be there! One Poor Experience Can Turn Someone Away For Life On

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21. The Art of Saying, “No”

Early on while writing this book, I approached hundreds of incredibly successful individuals, many of whom denied my request for an interview. When someone has become incredibly successful, it’s often easy to get a big head or make others feel insignificant or unimportant. Below is a reply I received from a successful author, who told me “no.” He did it gracefully, without being dismissive but instead leaving me honored. Saying “no” without making someone feel like you rejected them as

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15. Meet New Friends

Becoming successful requires hard work, dedication, and a significant amount of time focused on achieving your goals. Meeting new friends can be difficult if you’re a workaholic (like many successful entrepreneurs). Below are some ideas that can help you meet quality friends who have similar goals and dreams! Join A Gym Exercise is excellent for your health and your attitude. It can also help you meet others who are actively focused on self-improvement. There are many different types of workouts,

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22. Interview with Nathan Schulhof (Father of the MP3 Player)

Nathan M. Schulhof is a visionary entrepreneur who was a key player at the beginning of the technology era. Mr. Schulhof is the lead inventor on three U.S. patents, and he is also listed or referenced in numerous other patents. Nathan’s book, “Father of the MP3 Player: Lessons in Business and Life from a Visionary Entrepreneur”, is available on Amazon, Booktopia, GoodReads, and numerous other publishers. He was featured in Gizmodo.com, Wired.com, Men’s Health – Top 100 Tech Guide, Cult

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10. How To Become An “Overnight Success”

Every “overnight success” you can think of has likely gone through years of pain, suffering, delayed gratification, and failures on the road to victory. They are committed. They refuse to give up. People we now see as an “overnight success” probably had friends, family, and acquaintances who saw them struggle and often didn’t stand by them. Investing years of hard work and self-discipline paid off, and now everyone says they’re an “overnight success.” Becoming an entrepreneur is often a much

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13. Six Keys To Building Quality Friendships

Success is useless without relationships. What is a victory, if you don’t have a friend to share your celebration? You can have all the toys, fancy cars, beautiful houses, and dream vacations, but without someone to share them with, life can still feel empty. This chapter was inspired by a lesson taught in church by my good friend, Paul Watson. Most of us are looking for quality friendships, and we could benefit from being a better friend! Below are six

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